[OpenSIPS-Users] BAD ACK

M.Khaled W Chehab kchehab at icucall.com
Thu Oct 17 21:27:48 CEST 2013



i m testing the opensips load balancer because i need  it  to balance calls
between  4 softswitches

.For the start i make two scenarios 

  following scenario 

 Cisco gateway inbound ------> opensips ------> voipswitch softswitch


Scenario 2 

 Eyebeam softphone  inbound ------> opensips ------> voipswitch softswitch  

 when trunk send a 200 ok  cisco gateway send the ACK directly to voipswitch
without passing by opensips 

 but using the eyebeam softphone the ACK go to opensips then  forwarded to
please advise









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