[OpenSIPS-Users] failed to create new b2b server instance

Jeff Pyle jpyle at fidelityvoice.com
Wed Nov 27 05:11:55 CET 2013


Load testing with standard sipp UAC and UAS scenarios I'm encountering the
following error:
  ERROR:b2b_logic:create_top_hiding_entities: failed to create new b2b
server instance

It seems to be related both to total call volume as well as calls per
second.  With several hundred calls active I see this with cps as low as 3
or 4.  With less than 50 calls I see this at higher cps, say, 30 or 40.

Before these errors pop up, sipp starts to complain about 200 OK
transmissions from the UAS, and BYE retransmissions from the UAC.  It also
complains about some in-dialog messages(BYEs) returning with a "501 Not
Supported", the treatment my script gives non-INVITEs outside of an
established dialog.  Something is strange here.  There is no specific
loose_route() handling since it's all b2b top-hiding.

There is plenty of shared and package memory available.  No memory errors,

There is plenty of hash space for b2b_entities and b2b_logic.  Both are
current set at 14 (16384).

Load average on the box is low.  With higher cps (~60) it peaks around 0.3,
including rtpproxy.  The box itself is a VM in VMWare ESXi 5.0 with 2 full
Xeon 2.2GHz cores available (no MHz throttling).  Resource priority is set
to high, and the host itself is lightly loaded.  For what it's worth audio
quality through rtpproxy is fine.  I don't think it's a CPU problem.

I've tried my best to understand the code surrounding this error.  From the
create_top_hiding_entities function in b2b_logic/logic.c:

        /* create new server */
        server_id = b2b_api.server_new(msg, &tuple->local_contact,
                        b2b_server_notify, b2bl_key);
        if(server_id == NULL)
                LM_ERR("failed to create new b2b server instance\n");
                goto error;

I am at a loss where to go from here.  Suggestions are definitely
appreciated.  This is version 1.10 cloned today.

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