[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips control panel

Nandini madhu sermj2012 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 08:35:58 CEST 2013

Dear Flavio E. Goncalves,

I have loaded opensips_cdrs.mysql and cdrs.mysql into mysql database.
And i rechecked the installation instructions as per opensips control panel
Please have a glance on the list available in opensips database:

mysql> show tables; (in opensips database)
| Tables_in_opensips   |
| acc                  |
| active_watchers      |
| address              |
| aliases              |
| carrierfailureroute  |
| carrierroute         |
| cdrs                 |
| cpl                  |
| dbaliases            |
| dialog               |
| dialplan             |
| dispatcher           |
| domain               |
| domainpolicy         |
| dr_carriers          |
| dr_gateways          |
| dr_groups            |
| dr_rules             |
| globalblacklist      |
| grp                  |
| imc_members          |
| imc_rooms            |
| load_balancer        |
| location             |
| missed_calls         |
| monitored_stats      |
| monitoring_stats     |
| ocp_admin_privileges |
| pdt                  |
| presentity           |
| pua                  |
| re_grp               |
| registrant           |
| rls_presentity       |
| rls_watchers         |
| route_tree           |
| rtpproxy_sockets     |
| silo                 |
| sip_trace            |
| speed_dial           |
| subscriber           |
| uri                  |
| userblacklist        |
| usr_preferences      |
| version              |
| watchers             |
| xcap                 |
47 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Tables from cdrs table from opensips database;

mysql> show columns from cdrs;
| Field           | Type             | Null | Key | Default             |
Extra          |
| cdr_id          | bigint(20)       | NO   | PRI | NULL                |
auto_increment |
| call_start_time | datetime         | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
|                |
| duration        | int(10) unsigned | NO   |     | 0
|                |
| sip_call_id     | varchar(128)     | NO   |     |
|                |
| sip_from_tag    | varchar(128)     | NO   |     |
|                |
| sip_to_tag      | varchar(128)     | NO   |     |
|                |
| created         | datetime         | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00
|                |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Kindly please help me.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Flavio Goncalves <flavio at voffice.com.br>wrote:

> Hi Nandini,
> There is a mysql stored procedure call to calculate the duration of the
> calls. There are some files at the tool subdirectory.
> /var/www/opensips=cp/config/tools/system/cdr (if I'm remembering
> correctly). There is a sql file with a procedure to import to mysql (or
> postgresql) and a shell script to call the procedure from cron. Please,
> check again the installation instructions.
> Flavio E. Goncalves
> 2013/6/27 Nandini madhu <sermj2012 at gmail.com>
>> Dear all.
>>   i have installed opensips server and open-sips control panel on my pc
>> successfully.
>>   In user management ,i can see the clients listed,but when the clients
>> are registered,when we click on line users,its showing no data found.
>> In CDRviewer also its showing no data.
>> please help me,
>> Thanks in advance
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