[OpenSIPS-Users] NAT - Unable to solve RTP Problem

Nick Khamis symack at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 21:16:43 CEST 2013

>> I don't see why MediaProxy would not work behind NAT.  After all,
>> there are no IPs embedded into the RTP packets and it should just work
>> as long as the proper port forwarding is enabled and the proper IP is
>> set inside SDP by opensips.

This is totally understandable!!!

>> I think an enhancement to mediaproxy module that would allow forcing the
>> IP to be used in SDP would solve this particular issue.

Is this not available yet as is for the rtpproxy module (i.e.,

According to someone who hard coded the public IP address in MediaProxy code:


This was done so that MediaProxy would bind to the local IP, and
broadcast the public IP. But as you correctly mentioned, media related
SDP directive (i.e., c=) is managed by OpenSIPS. Not sure if the "cie"
flags are available for mediaproxy. Hope someone from AG and RTPProxy
could help out.

Sorry for the hijack!!! But this is kind of related? :)


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