[OpenSIPS-Users] Redis high availability

Bakko asannucci at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 19:38:22 CEST 2013


I'm trying to set a High Availability scenario:

two servers with DRBD, Heartbeat, MySQL Master-Master and Redis for Load 

The two Redis servers share the same database file present on DRBD 

If i put manually any variable in Redis and shutdwon Server A, when 
second server go up, the same variables are present on Redis database.

If I send a call trough ServerA i can see load balancing variables on 
Redis set to "1". If I shutdown this server without hangup the call, on 
the second server these variables are "0".

The question is, when Opensips start, the hideris client clean the load 
balancing variables presents in Redis server?

Or what happens?

Thank you


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