[OpenSIPS-Users] (no subject)

Jorge Henrique Pinho jorge-h-pinho at ext.ptinovacao.pt
Fri Jun 14 10:46:17 CEST 2013

Hi bogdan!
Yes, I prefer to use b2b, if you can look into the problem I'll be very grateful.

Kind regards!

Jorge Pinho

From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bogdan at opensips.org]
Sent: quinta-feira, 13 de Junho de 2013 17:43
To: Jorge Henrique Pinho
Cc: OpenSIPS users mailling list
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] (no subject)

Hello Jorge,

For exactly those purposes you can use dialog module (topo hiding and call termination), but in a lighter and simpler fashion.

If you are keen to use the b2b, I can look into the problem.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer


On 06/13/2013 04:56 PM, Jorge Henrique Pinho wrote:
Hi Bogdan!
It choose b2b support with topo hiding because this way the module will automatically match and forward requests and replies.
In this example when I receive a bad formatted 200OK I need to immediately end the call. The call is ended in both clients but b2b is sending two BYE messages to B instead of one.
What could be causing this behavior?

Kind regards,

Jorge Pinho

From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bogdan at opensips.org]
Sent: quarta-feira, 12 de Junho de 2013 18:26
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list
Cc: Jorge Henrique Pinho
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] (no subject)

Hi Jorge,

First of all, why do you want to use b2b support if you only need topo hiding and to terminate a call ? For these you can simply use the dialog module, which is a much lighter approach (with less probability for complications).

Have you consider to use the dialog module, with topology_hiding() script function and dlg_end_dlg MI function ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer


On 06/12/2013 07:35 PM, Jorge Henrique Pinho wrote:
Hi, I am using opensips with b2b module with topology hiding.
I am trying to terminate a call when i receive the 200OK response to a Re-Invite. To accomplish this i am using the 'terminate_call' function defined in b2b_logic module.
The dialog is establish and an user sends an in dialog Invite to renegotiate codecs, but the 200OK reply is mal formed. In consequence I need to terminate the call at this stage.
To accomplish this I am using the terminate_call function present in b2b_logic module. When I receive the 200OK bad formatted message, I invoke the terminate_call function. The behavior of b2b is this :
A ----------------- Opensips (B2B) ------------------------ B
A   Re-Invite -->          |             Re-Invite -->      B
A                                     |             200 OK*  <--        B *Bad formatted 200OK
A    BYE <--                   |                                             B
A                                     |          BYE -->                 B
A                                     |          ACK    -->                 B
A                                     |          BYE     -->                 B
It seems that b2b is sending a first BYE to B that was not supposed to. Log is in the attachment.
Can you help me fix this?
Kind regards
Jorge Pinho


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