[OpenSIPS-Users] TCP Connection Reuse

Damien Sandras dsandras at seconix.com
Fri Jul 5 17:33:59 CEST 2013


I have a question about TCP connection reuse.

Let's imagine a phone that REGISTERs to OpenSIPS using TCP. 
tcp_persistent_flag is enabled, and the appropriate setflag is called a 
bit before the save function.

The phone creates a TCP connection with source port 55555 (for example) 
to OpenSIPS port 5060, but indicates a Contact field with its IP address 
and port 5060 (not port 55555).

Before the REGISTER occurs, OpenSIPS already knew the IP address of the 
phone and was relaying OPTIONS requests with a separate TCP connection 
(say OpenSIPS source port 123456 and phone destination port 5060).

When relaying new requests (OPTIONS, NOTIFY, INVITE), should OpenSIPS 
use the registrar connection ?
It seems to me that it reuses the previous TCP connection to phone port 
5060 or that it creates a new one to phone port 5060 instead of reusing 
the registrar connection.

I had in mind that with TCP, we could ignore the Contact field in the 
REGISTER request and reuse the same connection.

Is there some flag or variable I should change ?



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