[OpenSIPS-Users] JSON errors

Brett Nemeroff brett at nemeroff.com
Tue Jan 1 19:21:48 CET 2013

Hey All, I'm using 1.8.2-notls (9330) and I'm having some odd issues with
the JSON module.

If I create an object with json like this:

$avp(baz) = "opensips";
$json(foo) = "{}"
$json(foo/bar) = $avp(baz);

And then I:
xlog("L_INFO","Value of JSON foo/bar is: $json(foo/bar)");

I'll get something like this:

"Value of JSON foo/bar is: opensips>?Q#177"

The ">?Q#177" bit changes from run to run. Looks like memory not
initialized properly?

Now.. if I display the entire contents of foo:

xlog("L_INFO","JSON Object Debug: $json(foo)");

It looks exactly how I'd expect it:
{ "bar": "opensips"}

Additionally, if I push the object into something else, like memcache and
then retrieve it back with the := operator, it then works perfectly (ie:
json object behaves differently if it was created with a := versus
explicitly identifying the paths).

Anyone else run into this?

Additionally, I can't seem to push VALUES that have special characters in
it. I tried to store a typical "datetime" object (2012-12-12 12:12:12 for
example) and all I get back is "2012". If I uriencode it, it works (my
workaround for now).


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