[OpenSIPS-Users] blocking user to call to a destination declared in userblacklist table

Engineer voip forvoip4 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 15:31:38 CEST 2012

I use this script to block an user declared in userblack list to calls an
number with prefix 01 but it's not works
     $avp(fu) = $fU;
      $avp(fd) = $fd;
      $avp(rU) = $rU;
        if ( !check_user_blacklist( "$avp($fu)", "$avp($fd)" ,"$avp(rU)" )
) {
        sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden, Destionation Interdite");
        xlog("L_INFO", "method <$rm>,$avp(fu), $avp(fd),rU=$avp(rU) :
Destination Interdite Pour <$fu> to <$tu>  <$si>\n");
can you help me please ?
*Best Regards.*
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