[OpenSIPS-Users] [PATCHes] support for text message billing with callcontrol

Paul Wise pabs3 at bonedaddy.net
Sun Oct 14 08:53:41 CEST 2012

Hi all,

At my last job we developed text messaging via SIP and OpenSIPS,
including billing with callcontrol. The company is now defunct and my
ex-boss has asked that I contribute these patches to OpenSIPS and
callcontrol. I've updated our patches so they apply to OpenSIPS SVN
trunk and callcontrol darcs head. The patches are attached, hopefully
they are useful to someone. To use them you want something like this:

if (is_method("MESSAGE")) {
	your SMS sending function here
	if( $avp(s:sms_status) == "accepted" ){
		t_reply("200", "OK");
	} else {
		t_reply("500", "Error sending SMS");


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