[OpenSIPS-Users] [RFC] New Release Policy for OpenSIPS project

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Thu Nov 29 22:47:23 CET 2012

Hi Bogdan,

> copying from another answer of mine: Keep in mind that all the time a new release will be a set of new features, so basically all releases are also featured driven. But to make it more predictable, we consider some time limits (for a release cycle) - limits are quite large 5 to 7 months, so we have flexibility to fit various sets of features in that interval. The main idea with time-based cycles is to try to control how long will take for have the next release (more predictable, without large gaps between releases) and also to speed up the features delivery (having a faster cycle, features will be available in stable versions quicker).

Ok, so it's more of a hybrid thing. In that case I'd be k with it, if we allow for some flexibility in case we were a bit too optimistic with the planning ;-)


> again, copying from another answer of mine: I have to admit I didn't do the math - 2 release ~= 1 year, which indeed is too short - I mean this will force an upgrade each year. So, we need to somehow get to ~ 2 year lifetime for a release. My suggestion is to actually set a life span for 2 years.

2 years sounds about right.

Thanks for doing this in the Open, Bogdan :-)

Kind regards,

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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