[OpenSIPS-Users] TCP connections for relaying calls

Mariana Arduini marianarduini at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 12:52:15 CET 2012

Hello all,

We are using 2 OpenSIPS servers and TCP between them:

tcp ---> OSIPS1 <--- tcp ---> OPSIPS2 <--- tcp

OSIPS2 has a bunch of children processes running, but we can only see few
of them actually being used. When we use SIPp scripts instead of OPSIPS1
and set it to use 1 TCP connection per call (parameter -t tn), then we can
see more than just a few OPSIPS2 children processes being used.

The problem is this is decreasing OSIPS2 performance, so we need to have
OSIPS1 using more than just 1 TCP connection. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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