[OpenSIPS-Users] Error opening OpenSIPS's FIFO /tmp/opensips_fifo

Jerry Richards jerry.richards at teotech.com
Tue May 29 23:39:04 CEST 2012

One other source of this error (just for the record) appears to be having multiple bogus dispatchers.  For example, I was working on an opensips install script, which in the process of debugging, I started getting the "Error opening OpenSIPS's FIFO /tmp/opensips_fifo" error.  So I executed the "dispatcher show" command and found a bunch of invalid dispatchers in the list (see below).  After I deleted all of these bogus dispatchers, the error no longer occurred.
./opensipsctl dispatcher show
database engine 'PGSQL' loaded
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
dispatcher gateways
pgsql_query: /usr/bin/psql  -A -q -t -P fieldsep='      ' -h localhost -U opensips opensips -c 'select * FROM dispatcher ORDER BY setid; '
9       1       sip::6050       0       1               $HOSTNAME
10      1       sip:THIS_IP:5060        0       1               $HOSTNAME
11      1       sip::6050       0       1               $HOSTNAME
12      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
6       1       sip:   0       1               Freeswitch-C57
7       1       sip:   0       1               MultiSrv-C57
13      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
14      1       sip:   0       1               $OTHER_HOSTNAME
15      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
16      1       sip:   0       1               $OTHER_HOSTNAME
17      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
18      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
19      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
20      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
21      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
22      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
23      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
24      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
25      1       sip:    0       1               $HOSTNAME
26      1       sip:   0       1               $OTHER_HOSTNAME


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Richards 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 10:47 AM
To: 'users at lists.opensips.org'
Subject: RE: Error opening OpenSIPS's FIFO /tmp/opensips_fifo

By the way, one more source of this error is if opensips is not running.  So after entering command "./opensips start", check the /var/log/messages file to see if there were any errors.  If there were, then the " ./opensipsctl moni" command will complain it can't open  /tmp/opensips_fifo, while the real reason is that opensips is not running (this is the same thing Flavio was saying using different terminology).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Richards 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:03 AM
To: 'users at lists.opensips.org'
Subject: Error opening OpenSIPS's FIFO /tmp/opensips_fifo

Hi Flavio,

I found I had two issues, so I am documenting it here so as to help others who might encounter this:

1) After executing the "service postgresql status" command, I found that the postgresql
     service was not running.  The contents of the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log/postgresql-
     Wed.log file indicated a line of the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file was in error.
     So I fixed it such that the postgresql service started properly.
2) After resolving the first issue (above), I still was getting the same error when executing
     the "./opensipsctl moni" command.  So, as you suggested, I executed
     "tail /var/log/messages" and found that it needed the following line added to the
     end of the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file:
     host   opensips   opensips   trust

Now I no longer get that error.


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