[OpenSIPS-Users] Need Help for Opensips configuration on AMAZON EC2

tapas tapascst at gmail.com
Fri May 25 16:59:05 CEST 2012


I am trying to use Opensips 1.8 on Amazon EC2 Cloud. But I am finding
difficulty with it. I attached my opensips configuration file here. I am
using Jitsi windows version as sip user client to connect with it. I have
public static ip on amazon EC2 cloud.  I am also using RTPPROXY as media
relay on same Opensips 1.8 server.

here is the configuration:

JITSI SIP Client A------NAT-----INTERNET-----AMAZON EC2 NAT----OpenSip 1.8

JITSI SIP Client B------NAT----------|

With my opensip configuration both client can chat together and see each
other presence. They can also each other status.

Problem is happening with audio/video call. If call is connected then it
will not hang. it may go on for 2 hours and I can see audio and video. I
have also from RTPPROXY logs that it is relaying all packets perfectly
without loss. But sometimes Client A invites client B . Client B doesn't
receives invite request at all and if it receives invite request by chance
then it is unable to accept the call.  I am using udp as call transport
layer. i am also not using TLS as this stage.

I attached my configuration file ( I masked my public ip and host name). I
followed following advice to reach till this stage:


Please advice me to solve this problem.

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