[OpenSIPS-Users] Error while copying startup file

prasad kelkar durga144 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 09:26:38 CET 2012

I am using following paper to install opensips 1.7.
when i tried? "cp /usr/src/opensips-1.7.0-tls/packaging/rpm/opensips.init
> /etc/init.d/opensips"
> i got NO such file

i checked   /usr/src/opensips-1.7.0-tls/packaging/rpm/opensips.init
It doesnot exist.
but  /opensips-1.7.0-tls/packaging/rpm/opensips.init exist

so i removed /usr/src from command but still same error

/etc/init.d/opensips does not exist
so i created it
but still copy doesnot work
please help
thank you

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