[OpenSIPS-Users] Web Sockets VIA header parsing support in OpenSIPs

Muhammad Shahzad shaheryarkh at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 19 21:35:22 CEST 2012


Just submitted a patch to OpenSIPs developers list, which allows parsing of
WS protocol in VIA header. You can see the thread at,


This patch should work with any OpenSIPs version, trunk or stable 1.6.x,
1.7.x and 1.8.x series without any problem. Once applied and compiled,
OpenSIPs can handle any SIP message from WebRTC enabled SIP client such as
SIPML5 through intermediate SIP proxy (providing Web Sockets to TCP / UDP
transport conversion) such WebRTC2SIP or OverSIP, e.g.

Caller UA (SIPML5 / Any Doubango based UA) -> WebRTC2SIP / OverSIP ->
OpenSIPs -> WebRTC2SIP / OverSIP -> Callee UA (SIPML5 / Any Doubango based

Thank you.

Muhammad Shahzad
CISCO Rich Media Communication Specialist (CRMCS)
CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Cell: +92 334 422 40 88
MSN: shari_786pk at hotmail.com
Email: shaheryarkh at googlemail.com
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