[OpenSIPS-Users] B2B from heading missing caller name

Louis Rochon lrochon at solacom.com
Thu Jul 26 22:48:01 CEST 2012

I don't see caller name in the "from" field in the received invite going out on the generated invite while using B2B Logic module.

Running opensips 1.7.2.

Tried adding
modparam("b2b_logic", "init_callid_hdr", "Initial-CallID")
modparam("b2b_logic", "custom_headers", "From: display")

with no luck.

The problem seems to have been discussed before at: http://lists.opensips.org/pipermail/users/2012-March/021161.html

But there was an off-line conversation that may have had the solution.

Any ideas? Will going to 1.8 help?

Louis Rochon
Solacom Technologies
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