[OpenSIPS-Users] 483 response for REGISTER with opensips on a VirtualMachine

Ignacio Gonzalez mylaneza at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 23:44:59 CEST 2012

Ok, I modify local.inc.php.

$talk_to_this_assoc_id = 1 ;   ->    $talk_to_this_assoc_id = 0;

and this make the domains tool page to prompts me "Command successfully
executed", but i still can not register with the server with domain.ds.net.

Please help.

2012/7/6 Ignacio Gonzalez <mylaneza at gmail.com>

> Well, i don't know if I am using the correct fifo to communicate the
> domains tool of opensips-cp. This are the files in
> /opensips-cp/config/tools/system/domains path:
> db.inc.php
> <?php
> //database host
>  $config->db_host = "localhost";
>  //database port - leave empty for default
>  $config->db_port = "";
>  //database connection user
>  $config->db_user = "root";
>  //database connection password
>  $config->db_pass = "";
>  //database name
>  $config->db_name = "opensips";
>  if ($config->db_port != "") $config->db_host = $config->db_host . ":" .
> $config->db_port;
> ?>
> and
> local.inc.php
> <?php
>  //database tables
>  $config->table_domains = "domain";
>  // system to talk to via MI ?
>  $talk_to_this_assoc_id = 1 ;
> // $config->reply_fifo_filename="webfifo_".rand();
> // $config->reply_fifo_path="/tmp/".$config->reply_fifo_filename;
> ?>
> In the configuration file of opensips the fifo module is configured in
> this way:
> #### FIFO Management Interface
> loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
> modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")
> modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0666)
> I don't know how to debug opensips-cp to check what is the error, if the
> fifo is incorrect or the rights of the fifo are wrong.
> Thanks for your help.
> 2012/7/6 Ignacio Gonzalez <mylaneza at gmail.com>
>> Hi there, I create a new configuration file with osipscfg tool and add
>> the option multidomain. With this, now I can connect using the public ip
>> address of the domain but still not with the uri domain.ds.net, the
>> problem of  "sorry -- cannot open write fifo" is still appearing.
>> Please help me configuring the opensips-cp tool to fix this problem.
>> 2012/7/6 Ignacio Gonzalez <mylaneza at gmail.com>
>>> Hi everybody:
>>> I can not Register to opensips proxy using the domain created with the
>>> domains tool of opensips-cp (domain.ds.net). The error code of  476 was
>>> because i change the ip address of the virtual machine from dhcp to a
>>> static address but i did not set the dns server address. When I did it, the
>>> error became 483 ( Too May Hops ). I think the problem is in the domains
>>> tool of opensips-cp. When i push the button "Apply changes to server" this
>>> error appears "sorry -- cannot open write fifo". I added this lines to the
>>> file ../opensips-cp/config/tools/system/domains/local.inc.php
>>> $config->reply_fifo_filename = "webfile_".rand();
>>> $config->reply_fifo_path = "/tmp/".$config->reply_fifo_filename;
>>> But this does nothing.
>>> Can anybody please help me?
>>> 2012/7/4 Ignacio Gonzalez <mylaneza at gmail.com>
>>>> I modify my VMWare configuration, and set it in bridge mode so the
>>>> virtual machine ip address becomes
>>>> The binding in my router now is:
>>>> domain.ds.net:5060 --->, now i can REGISTER from
>>>> the host machine and the virtual machine, but i can't register from outside
>>>> of the NAT, i get this SIP response from opensips:
>>>> ----
>>>> REGISTER sip:domain.ds.net:5060 SIP/2.0
>>>> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>>>> ;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6c79007cc231fafc-1---d8754z-;rport
>>>> Max-Forwards: 70
>>>> Contact: <sip:2427001 at;rinstance=dc9358201760c93a>
>>>> To: <sip:2427001 at domain.ds.net:5060>
>>>> From: <sip:2427001 at domain.ds.net:5060>;tag=206dd1f8
>>>> Call-ID: ZTc1ZjBjMTZlNTdhNmJhMTQ0NmVhY2ZjY2IyZDA2NGY.
>>>> CSeq: 1 REGISTER
>>>> Expires: 3600
>>>> User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.0.0 stamp 67284
>>>> Content-Length: 0
>>>> ------
>>>> SIP/2.0 476 Unresolvable destination (476/TM)
>>>> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>>>> ;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6c79007cc231fafc-1---d8754z-;rport=1096
>>>> To: <sip:2427001 at domain.ds.net:5060
>>>> >;tag=8ba51fd6231b3adf4060dc0daaea5185-887c
>>>> From: <sip:2427001 at domain.ds.net:5060>;tag=206dd1f8
>>>> Call-ID: ZTc1ZjBjMTZlNTdhNmJhMTQ0NmVhY2ZjY2IyZDA2NGY.
>>>> CSeq: 1 REGISTER
>>>> Server: OpenSIPS (1.8.0-notls (i386/linux))
>>>> Content-Length: 0
>>>> ---
>>>> Can someone help me to fix this.
>>>> 2012/7/3 Ignacio Gonzalez <mylaneza at gmail.com>
>>>>> Hi everybody, i installed opensips in a virtual machine with red hat
>>>>> 5.2, and i configured it with a residential script following the webbinar
>>>>> for installing opensips 1.8, I created two domains in the database:
>>>>> domain.ds.net and the ip address of the virtual machine ( VMWare ). I
>>>>> can register using a softphone (pjsip) inside the same virtual machine, but
>>>>> when i try to register outside the machine an infinite loop is created, and
>>>>> i don't know what is going on.
>>>>> I created a user 2427000 , domain.net.ds, i create the binding roule
>>>>> for connect that port to the port of the host machine with an ip address
>>>>> of  and then i create the roule in the VMWare
>>>>> Nat Administrator to connect the host ip and port with the virtual machine
>>>>> ip and port, so the model is this:
>>>>> domain.ds.net:4000      ---->   ----->
>>>>> ( both protocols udp and tcp )
>>>>> So when i try to register using a  xlite softphone, i configure my
>>>>> softphone with this parameters:
>>>>> User ID: 2427000
>>>>> Domain: domain.ds:4000
>>>>> Set Outbound via Proxy: domain.ds.net:4000
>>>>> Could anybody please help me?
>>>>> Thanks a lot.
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