[OpenSIPS-Users] conditional call forwarding and mediaproxy

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Fri Jan 20 12:20:47 CET 2012


> Yes. I am. I am sure the function gets called, because I use append_hf()
> to add a special P-hint header in onreply_route, and I cand see it with
> ngrep in the relay-ed reply.
> The 'normal' calls have media through mediaproxy both ways - they are okay.

> So if I use it once it will know how to handle IP:port pair for the second
> INVITE ? (with other RURI - since I have this issue only on conditional
> call forwarding).

If the INVITE didn't leave the proxy you shouldn't need to do anything, changes are made to the SDP and when you do some sort of call forwarding you just change the RURI, right?

> Not yet. Will do eventually. Any special things to take care of for call
> forwarding while using engage_media_proxy() ?

Nope, just call the function for the initial INVITE and you are all set :-)


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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