[OpenSIPS-Users] Identify CDR accounting on dialog-timeout

Jayesh Nambiar jayesh.voip at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 12:35:42 CET 2012

I am using CDR accounting with mysql in my script. I want a way to know if
the CDR record is because of a dialog_timeout. Is there some standard way
of notifying it from the script. I was thinking of something like this:
I have an extra column "timeout" in  my acc table which is inserted using
db_extra parameter $avp(timeout) which is initialized to 0. If I know
somewhere in the script that dialog has timed out, I set this $avp(timeout)
to 1, so that the record inserted will have timeout column value as 1 and
it will be easily identifiable.

I understand that AVPs are not dialog persistent, but probably I can use
some dlg_val variables. Also I dont find any function that indicates the
dialog_timeout event. Another idea was to set the bye_on_timeout flag by
calling create_dialog("B") and in local_route catch the BYE request and set
the dlg_val variables there.

Wanted to know if any of these ideas can work or is there some more
standard way of doing it.

--- Jayesh
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