[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS sending 200 OK with SDP

Andreas Sikkema h323 at ramdyne.nl
Thu Aug 30 16:09:51 CEST 2012

> I don't see why you can't do this. In your routing script you can look for
> the update message (there should be something about this update message that
> you can detect it), make changes as required and generate a response to any
> destination you want. This is what the routing script (opensips.cfg) is for.

I know in theory that it's possible to code something that might look
like what I want to do (pseudocode):

if (method="") && (src_ip="w.x.y.z") {
    send_reply("200 OK");

But I'm not sure that the 200 OK will contain the correct SDP lines
from the media/rtpproxy, if I can add some (thankfully predictable)
codec parameters, etc to the 200 response. I can't remember ever
having seen someone do something like that here on the mailinglist.
Google also doesn't seem to be able to find  something like this.

I'd prefer to do this without running as a B2BUA, but if that's
necessary, not a problem.

For now I have a workaround, but for the longer term I need something
to prevent those UPDATE messages getting passed through to the rest of
my network.


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