[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool Question

Brian ipt voiplists at iptel.co
Fri Apr 6 10:02:29 CEST 2012

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Iulian Macare <iulian.macare at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had something similiar and I solved it by putting my domain in the
> "domain" table in opensips database

I have the domain in the opensips database. And it turns out that this
is what seems to be causing the problem with CDRTool and not the
subdomains. The reason that worked was because the domain wasn't in
the db.

If I remove the domain from the database and rerate the calls then
CDRTool recognises the domain everytime. Very odd.

If I add the domain back to the OPENSIPS domain table and rereate the
calls it doesn't recognise the domain again.

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