[OpenSIPS-Users] ACK for RE-INVITE routing

Dranchuk Alexandr davion at davion.kz
Wed May 11 20:46:33 CEST 2011

Hello everyone!

I'm manually fix Contact headers for caller and callee
party, along with uac_replace_from/uac_replace_to, thus
getting kind of "topology hidding".

Till now all works fine but once RE-INVITE send,
the proper 200 OK responce, and it's routed fine
but ACK sent after reseived 200 OK has no "Route" header
thus, OpenSIPS loose_route() block escaped, and since t_check_trans()
returns true it's trying to send it to wrong direction (looping)

Is it ok if ACK for RE-INVITE can be without "Route" header if
RE-INVITE along with 200 OK responce contain Record-route and Route

in case of true, is it possible restore Route information by
from_tag/to_tag in OpenSIPS or I should do it by myself in script?

Alex Dranchuk
mailto: davion at davion.kz

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