[OpenSIPS-Users] aliasdb to Contact

Anca Vamanu anca at opensips.org
Wed May 4 10:35:27 CEST 2011

Hi Adrian,

On 30/04/11 21:07, Adrian Serafini wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to route a DID call with the alias db.  The opensips-cp 
> user is 5000 at sip.wombit.com, the alias is 5001 at sip.wombit.com.  I call 
> 5001 and the calls are routed down the opensips 5000 user to the 
> asterisk sip trunk.  The problem is the DID shows the trunk number 
> 5000, NOT the DID number 5001.
> Is it possible to send the call to the 5000 user but with the 
> Contact::5001 ?
You mean that you want the Contact in replies and requests from 5000 to 
have username 5001? You can modify the contact in the script - for 
replies in on_reply route and for indialog requests in normal request 
route. You could use subst function from textops module and replace 
5000@ with 5001@ - 


Anca Vamanu
OpenSIPS Developer

> I am using opensips-cp and most of the setup from "Building Telephony 
> Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6"
> Thanks,
> Adrian 

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