[OpenSIPS-Users] New SylkServer release 1.1.0

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Thu Mar 24 16:01:16 CET 2011


There is a new release of SylkServer available, version 1.1.0 with new multi-party conferencing features.

It is SIP conferencing at its best. Encryption for signaling (TLS) and media (sRTP), session based chat (MSRP RFC4975, CPIM RFC3862 and iscomposing RFC3994), wideband audio mixer (G722 and Speex), adding and removing participants (Conferencing for User Agents RFC4579)  and Subscribe/Notify mechanism (Conference Event Package RFC4575) with real-time information about connected users, end-points and media types. All corespondent client features are now available in Blink SIP client for Mac. See the recorded video with these features as experienced from Blink:


SylkServer now supports trusted peers and has outbound proxy support, it is designed to operate behind a SIP Proxy like OpenSIPS for routing,  authentication, authorization and accounting.

To install or update SylkServer on your system:



sylkserver (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=low

 * Added incoming REFER support
 * Added outgoing INVITE support
 * Added SIP outbound proxy support  
 * Added Trusted Peers based on source IP address
 * Added Access Control Lists support to conference application
 * Added basic multi-application support
 * Added IRC conference application
 * Added SIPThor integration
 * Fixed initialization of TLS settings
 * Made session connect method receive the contact header
 * Catch exception if outgoing NOTIFY could not be sent
 * Fixed exception when sending private message to a participant without chat
 * Refactored exception handling when sending chat messages
 * Refactored application finding mechanism
 * Reject incoming requests with 404 if application is not found
 * Removed SIP MESSAGE support in conference application

Kind regards,

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