[OpenSIPS-Users] rtp_proxy_stream2uac and opensips-1.6.4

Razvan Crainea razvancrainea at opensips.org
Fri Mar 11 15:38:52 CET 2011

Hello Flavio,

I don't know why you have to take the check out. Probably this is a 
little bug. I will dig into this and let you know as soon as I solve the 


On 03/11/2011 04:35 PM, Flavio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi Razvan,
> I got to make it work using a version downloaded from GIT. There was a 
> mistake in the name of the file, it is working, I have removed the 
> check from rtpproxy_stream.c
> Thanks for helping.
> Flavio E. Goncalves
> 2011/3/11 Razvan Crainea <razvancrainea at opensips.org 
> <mailto:razvancrainea at opensips.org>>
>     Hi Flavio,
>     Can you please give me the output of the command "rtpproxy -v"?
>     The word "session" specifies RTPProxy to search for the codec list
>     in the initial Update command (when OpenSIPS calls
>     rtpproxy_offer), so there is nothing wrong with it.
>     This is how RTPProxy works when it receives a Play command:
>     Assuming your initial codec list is "3,8,101", your command is
>     interpreted like this:
>     it checks in the '/var/rtpproxy/prompts/' folder for the
>     'dmcaller.3' file (which should be a GSM encoded file). If found,
>     it starts to play it to the uac/uas. Otherwise it checks further
>     for the 'dmcaller.8' file, and so on until it finds a suitable
>     media file. If it doesn't, it should log an error.
>     I guess your problem is that RTPProxy is unable to find a suitable
>     file to open.
>     Regards,
>     Razvan
>     On 03/11/2011 03:23 PM, Flavio Goncalves wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     Is there anyone with experience using rtpproxy_stream2uac
>>     command. I'm trying to use with OpenSIPS 1.6.4 with
>>     rtpproxy-1.2.1. I'm getting the following error:
>>     ERROR:nathelper:rtpproxy_stream: required functionality is not
>>     supported by the version of the RTPproxy running on the selected
>>     node.  Please upgrade the RTPproxy and try again.
>>     1. I tried to upgrade the RTPPROXY with the on in GIT, but it
>>     crashes as soon as I start OpenSIPS.
>>     2. I tried to disabe the check in the rtpproxy_stream2uac, I
>>     don't get the error but still don't work. In this case:
>>     OpenSIPS is sending to the RTPPROXY
>>     DBUG:handle_command: received command "23907_6 P10
>>     f765564a-317a422b at
>>     <mailto:f765564a-317a422b at>
>>     /var/rtpproxy/prompts/dmcaller session 5cc2dfbec1d32747o2;1
>>     as1dc4b372;1"
>>     The RTPPROXY is expecting according to the RTPPROXY protocol
>>     P[args] callid play_name codecs from_tag to_tag
>>     The mismatch seems to be in the word "session" in this place
>>     rtpproxy is expecting the codecs.
>>     I tried everything I could.
>>     Flavio E. Goncalves
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