[OpenSIPS-Users] Upgrade from openser 1.3 to opensips 1.6

Andrew O. Zhukov gnugk at telegroup.com.ua
Tue Mar 1 17:54:24 CET 2011

 >Force_rtp_proxy() was replaced by rtpproxy_offer() (first step) and
 >rtpproxy_answer() (second step). See:
 >       http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.6.x/nathelper.html
 >> and


As I understand. If I use the very old style stabile working config with 
nat fags, (!search("^Content-Length:[ ]*0")), other tricks it would be done
to change:

force_rtp_proxy(); to the rtpproxy_answer();

And everyting will be ok.

Is it correct?

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