[OpenSIPS-Users] Changing R-URI depending on the destination

Toyima Dias toyimads at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 13:12:35 CET 2011


I'm having doubts with the following architecture:


A calls B with the R-URI: B at PROXY_B

This will reach at PROXY_A; but here i need to make some dinamic changes...

if the destiny is B at PROXY_B i must set the R-URI with a number:
12345 at PROXY_B

If the destiny is C at PROXY_B i must set the R-URI like this: 47896 at PROXY_B

Setting different routes on the script is not the best way, bacause i won't
define routes for every destination at the same domain. Dinamyc routing
should help and also avps i guess, am i right? what should i check to
accomplish this?

Using Remote-Party-ID or/and P-Asserted-Identity will also help?

Any clarification will be much appreciated!
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