[OpenSIPS-Users] About SIP Traffic

Nick nick_chang at ezmobo.com
Fri Dec 2 04:46:36 CET 2011

Hi Duane

But, I don't used mediaproxy. I used RTPPRoxy.


On 2011年12月02日 11:24, duane.larson at gmail.com wrote:
> If you only want RTP I believe CDRTool keeps up with RTP traffic but 
> you have to be sending the RTP streams through Mediaproxy. I've done 
> both SIP and RTP with Cisco "IP SLA" but that is once again because 
> the packets are tagged with QoS and also going through the cisco 
> Router. I would also think the Bluecoats Packetshaper could tell you 
> the bandwidth used for RTP or SIP. I would be interested to hear if 
> other people have any ideas about this. 

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