Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Tue Apr 5 21:33:27 CEST 2011

Hi guys,

Actually it will be great to have that patch tested to know for sure if 
the problem is solved. I never got a 100% confirmation from Andrew, but 
maybe Piotr can test and confirm.

Thanks and regards,

On 04/05/2011 04:58 PM, Andrew Pogrebennyk wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> This sounds familiar to the problem I experienced some time ago - make 
> sure to check comments here: 
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1086410&aid=2940556&group_id=232389
> I haven't been able to replicate that setup to confirm that the 
> attached patch works. You are welcome to try it though :) Note RFC 
> states it clearly that if no response has been received from the UAS 
> at all, we should not attempt to send a CANCEL there.
> But it seems that in your case you received some provisional response 
> so the issue has to do with the order in which CANCEL is fired - 
> exactly what the patch is intended to fix.
> On 05.04.2011 15:56, Piotr Sobolewski wrote:
>> I'm having problem with specific gateway to which OpenSIPS sends
>> INVITE and then another INVITE (CallForward on no Aswer).
>> The  problem is when after sending first INVITE to gateway (without
>> getting final response), OpenSIPS hits failure route and then sends
>> another INVITE (with different RURI) toward gateway before CANCEL is
>> sent, so the gateway responds to second INVITE with "482 Request
>> merged" (and gateway does not attempt to make second connection).
>> Is there a way to send CANCEL before sending second INVITE ?

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS eBootcamp - 2nd of May 2011
OpenSIPS solutions and "know-how"

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