[OpenSIPS-Users] troubleshooting memory problems

Richard Revels rrevels at bandwidth.com
Thu May 27 00:58:48 CEST 2010

In Makefile.defs uncomment

         -DDBG_QM_MALLOC \
         -DDBG_F_MALLOC \

In script set 


Restart and let run for a while.  Then 

cat /var/log/opensips-msg | egrep 'freeing|DBG:core:fm_malloc.*called' | sed -e 's/.*free.*\: \(.*\)/\1-mfree/' -e 's/.*malloc.*\: \(.*\)/\1-malloc/' | sort | uniq -c

Adjust path for wherever you are logging of course.  Your output will have something like 

   3015 parse_contact(81)-malloc
   3015 parse_contact(81)-mfree
   3015 parse_contacts(192)-malloc
   3015 parse_contacts(192)-mfree
  19592 parse_from_header(63)-malloc
  19592 parse_from_header(63)-mfree
 335368 parse_headers(309)-malloc
 335368 parse_headers(309)-mfree

for all the calls that are fine.  Then something like 

  14922 do_parse_rr_body(65)-malloc
   8989 do_parse_rr_body(65)-mfree


   9016 sip_msg_cloner(437)-malloc
   6003 sip_msg_cloner(437)-mfree

for calls that need further looking into.  You'll probably want to go grep out the problem values in the log to get more information about what's calling them.

I'm chasing a fairly nasty memory leak (shared memory) right now and thought I would document / share some of the methods we use for this type of thing.


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