[OpenSIPS-Users] db_http module

Andrei Dragus adragus at opensips.org
Wed May 12 12:50:13 CEST 2010


The db_http is a "backend" module that implements a database via http. 
It does NOT export any functions in the script. The modules that rely on 
databases will submit queries whenever they need to automatically. If 
you want certain queries you can use the avpops module.

If you have a script that works fine with any other type of database 
(MySQL, postgres etc) all you need to change in the config file are:

1. load the db_http module instead of the db_mysql module
2. set the corresponding module parameters ( if you want SSL, if you 
want raw queries, etc.)
3. set the db_url parameter of all the modules that you want to use this 
module to your http url.

Keep in mind that in order to use this module you must have a working 
http server that complies to the specifications given in the docs.

For example if the server receives a GET query like the following:

GET /presentity/?c=id,username,domain HTTP/1.1

it should reply something like :



samoh wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I want to use the db_http module with an http server but I don't know how I
> must proceed, the documentation of this module isn't well explained.
> What are functions of this module ??
> Someone can help me to inderstand how can I work it ? an example please.
> Thanks.
> Sam. 

Andrei Dragus

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