[OpenSIPS-Users] ACC extra variables

Brad Bendy brad.bendy at benganetworks.com
Sat Mar 20 01:25:25 CET 2010

Hi List,

I ran into something interesting today (have not noticed this in the
past anyways).

We set a extra variable in the acc table for the gatewayId, we pull
these values from a memcache store, with some recent changes in our code
we now sometimes hit memcache twice for a gatewayId the second time is
always a different value (both are executed before we run we call
t_on_reply(), etc.

Now it is storing the 1st value and not the 2nd value in the acc table
it looks like as soon as the value is assigned that is the value that is
then stored in the acc table, has anyone else seen this and is this the
correct behavior? If so anyway to change it so the last value of the avp
is what is stored? When the avp value changes it's from the
memcache_fetch() call.

This on 1.6.2 I have not tried on other releases yet but will later on
tonight, we have done this same type of thing in the past and it has
appeared to work, but I will have to verify to make sure.


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