[OpenSIPS-Users] Virtual DB failover wrangling

Jock McKechnie jock.mckechnie at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 21:38:05 CET 2010

Greetings folks;

I've been attempting to get a working db_virtual failover setup going and am
having some very basic functionality problems while in testing, I was
wondering if someone could shed some light one what I, presumably, am doing

Appropriate sections of config look something like this:
modparam("alias_db", "db_url", "virtual://set1")

modparam("db_virtual", "db_max_consec_retrys", 3)

modparam("db_virtual","db_urls","define set1 FAILOVER")
opensips:password at")
opensips:password at")

if (alias_db_lookup("opensips_inbound", "d")) {
        # Do something

I'm running the Debian package release, 1.6.0-1, from the leurent.eurepository.

If I start OpenSIPs and then on the .100 DB do an iptables REJECT to
simulate a DB problem OpenSIPs will simply retry the alias lookup

Curiously, if I set up the iptables block, THEN start OpenSIPs, and toggle
the block on and off, the failure mode appears to work as it should, which
really confuses me.

Have I got an issue with how I expect this to work? How I've got it set up?
Or do we think my testing methodology is bunk?

My many thanks;

 - Jock
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