[OpenSIPS-Users] Mediaproxy 2.4.2 & relay_ip Problem.

Alan Frisch frisch.alan at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 20:41:20 CEST 2010

I've been experimenting with Mediaproxy 2.4.2 on a couple servers and
have hit some kind of snafu regarding the IPs that the relays take on
a machine.

Machine A
eth0 - 209.x.x.100
lo1: loopback IP 1 - 64.x.x.120  (MP Dispatcher)

Machine B
eth0 - 209.x.x.200
lo1: loopback IP 1 - 64.x.x.220 (MP Relay)

Scenario 1
Dispatcher reports relay coming in from Machine B's eth0
(209.x.x.200), even though "relay_ip" in config.ini specifies
"debug: Connection from relay at 209.x.x.200"

Now when I try and force the $avp(s:media_relay) in OpenSIPs to
64.x.x.220 on Machine B the dispatcher reports:
"warning: user requested media_relay 64.x.x.220 is not available"
"debug: Issuing "update" command to relay at 209.x.x.200"

When I telnet into the management port and issue a "summary" command,
the dispatcher reports back a single IP of 64.x.x.220:
[{"status": "active", "uptime": 53, "stream_count": {}, "ip":
"64.x.x.220", "session_count": 0, "version": "2.4.2", "bps_relayed":

And interestingly enough when doing a Wireshark dump, the RTP media is
coming from 64.x.x.220.

It appears that MP is somehow mixing up the IPs of the relay.  Now
this would not be an issue with a single relay, but when you have
multiple relays and want to load balance to a particular IP,
MediaProxy is not finding the desired relay and it seems getting it to
the machine you want is a roll of the dice.

Hopefully this is something I am doing wrong... so any suggestions are welcome!

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