Premalatha Kuppan premalatha at ngintech.com
Tue Jul 27 11:29:17 CEST 2010

while compiling , i'm getting error, :(

b2b_logic.c:32:27: error: libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory
In file included from records.h:36,
                 from b2b_logic.c:41:
b2b_logic.h:56: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘xmlNodePtr’
b2b_logic.h:78: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘xmlDocPtr’

Between, I see Opensips as a proxy can do translation of tcp to UDP. How can
i achieve this for my requirement.

Any idea ?

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Premalatha Kuppan
<premalatha at ngintech.com>wrote:

> Sorry my mistake...While compiling, i have excluded the module b2b_logic.
> So no .so is created for b2b_logic. Now i have removed it from the Make file
> -exclude module and compiled.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Premalatha Kuppan <
> premalatha at ngintech.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Anca. I have already installed opensips 1.6.2 its up and running.
>> To enable B2BUA logic, i followed the link.
>> and loaded the modules,
>> loadmodule "b2b_entities.so"
>> loadmodule "b2b_logic.so"
>> Its throwing me an error,
>> ERROR:core:yyparse: module 'b2b_logic.so' not found in
>> '//lib64/opensips/modules/'
>> Jul 27 03:12:56 [22012] CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file,
>> line 93, column 13-14: failed to load module
>> Jul 27 03:12:56 [22012] DBG:core:yyparse: loading module
>> //lib64/opensips/modules/
>> Jul 27 03:12:56 [22012] ERROR:core:sr_load_module: could not open module
>> <//lib64/opensips/modules/>: //lib64/opensips/modules/: cannot read file
>> data: Is a directory
>> I think, i have to download the moduels, compile and re-install
>> again...please tell me which source file to be downloaded and compiled and
>> steps to build on top of opensips (which is currenlty running).
>> Iam lost after searching..:(
>> Please help.
>> Thanks,
>> Prem
>> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Anca Vamanu <anca at opensips.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Prem,
>>> Unless you require to do some changes in the outbound messages( like
>>> adding or modifying headers ), you can put all the logic - proxy and
>>> b2bua in one OpenSIPS instance. The limitations are only the script ones
>>> ( the thing that changes on the message are applied only when the
>>> message is sent outside and not visible for the functions called from
>>> the script).
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Anca Vamanu
>>> www.voice-system.ro
>>> On 07/26/2010 04:01 PM, Premalatha Kuppan wrote:
>>> > Thanks Anca. This is what i was looking for.
>>> > Btw, if i understood correct. I can make current Opensips (TLS enabled
>>> > - 1.6.2 (Proxy)) one to act as B2BUA. or is it i hv to uninstall the
>>> > current one and install other 2BUA. Iam confused. Please clarify.
>>> >
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