[OpenSIPS-Users] using pseudo-variables while assigning keys to memcache

Jayesh Nambiar jayesh.voip at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 09:19:04 CEST 2010

Hello All,
I have been experimenting with the localcache and memcache module for a
while and came across a strange problem while defining keys for cache using
the pseudo-variables.
For eg: If i wish to use a key name which starts with a pseudo-variable or
if I wish to use two pseudo-variables in a key, it is not possible. Like if
I try to use function like:
cache_store("local", "$fU_passwd", "$avp(passwd)", 1800), this does not work
since opensips does not start because of syntax error invalid
pseudo-variable "$fU_".
Also if I wish to use something like cache_store("local", "status_$fU_$si",
"$avp(status)", 1800), even this does not work with same syntax error.
Whereas if I use cache_store("local", "status_$fU$si", "$avp(status)",
1800), this will work.

I think there should be some character to be introduced which indicates the
end of pseudo-variable so that the script writer has the flexibility to
define the variables according to his/her requirement. Also this might be
affecting other areas where pseudo-variables are allowed in the functions

Just thought to get this into the notice.

--- Jayesh
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