[OpenSIPS-Users] T38 and changing media port for T38 SDP

Thomas Gelf thomas at gelf.net
Thu Jul 15 10:59:07 CEST 2010

Am 15.07.2010 09:26, schrieb Adrian Georgescu:
>> MediaProxy is able to detect the changing media port?
> If the port change is present in the signaling MP will act upon it accordingly.

I can confirm this, I'm intensively T.38 with and without Mediaproxy.
And YES, there are such ReINVITEs - changing IPs and Ports...

> You only need to use a single line in your config for enabling mediaproxy so is very easy to test it.

Please note that once you are using multiple parallel / serial branches
this could no longer be true, you could be forced to manually "use/stop"
Mediaproxy on your branch routes instead of just calling "engage".

However, I'd in most cases still prefer to do so instead of using
Rtpproxy ;-)

Thomas Gelf

 mail: thomas at gelf.net
  web: http://thomas.gelf.net/

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