[OpenSIPS-Users] Interuption between OpenXCAP and Apache2

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saul at ag-projects.com
Sun Jul 4 18:48:53 CEST 2010

On 03/07/10 12:08, CheeWii wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed and configure OpenXCAP 1.2.0 successfully.
> Then I want to use phpMyAdmin to operate mySql Database.So I installed 
> apache2 and configure it. After I finishing congure the apache.Then I 
> found the Xcap Root URL can't be connected.
> I believe that there is an interuption between OpenXCAP and Apache, for 
> both are based on HTTP. While, how can i use phpMyAdmin in the same 
> computer to control Mysql DB?

You may change the port Apache is listening on or the one OpenXCAP is
listening on. If you choose the later, specify the xcap root as follows:

root = http://domain.com:8080/xcap-root


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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