[OpenSIPS-Users] Opiniions about WE SIP+OpenSIPS

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Fri Jan 22 14:15:34 CET 2010

El Viernes, 22 de Enero de 2010, Vladimir Kolosov escribió:
>   Good day, all.
>   I have a question about WE SIP
> (http://www.wesip.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page)
> Is there anyone who tried it? What you managed to achieve? Its worth to use
>  it? Im thinking about using it for B2BUA implementation for OpenSER, and
>  maybe some other applications in future...
> Any opinions and suggestions is very important for me.

Take into account that WeSIP cannot be used for commercial deployments 
according to its current license:


Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc at aliax.net>

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