[OpenSIPS-Users] Private IP in registered AOR causing failure

opensipslist at encambio.com opensipslist at encambio.com
Thu Jan 21 15:47:03 CET 2010

Hello again,

An mer., janv 20, 2010, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
>opensipslist at encambio.com wrote:
>> Here's a record I see when I run 'opensipsctl ul show':
>>         AOR:: mylogin-osips
>>                 Contact:: sip:MyLogin-OSIPS at;transport=tls;line=2acy67zm Q=1
>>                         Expires:: 560
>>                         Callid:: 2b21cdfae784-av13rj1txbsq
>>                         Cseq:: 2
>>                         User-agent:: Bigphone123
>>                         Received:: sip:;transport=TLS
>>                         State:: CS_SYNC
>>                         Flags:: 0
>>                         Cflag:: 64
>>                         Socket:: tls:
>>                         Methods:: 7999
>> OpenSIPS is trying to reach the private IP number above from time
>> to time, and I see this in the logs:
>>   Jan 19 17:57:20 name.host.tld <error> opensips[23432]: ERROR:tm:t_uac: attempt to send to 'sip:MyLogin-OSIPS at;transport=tls;line=2acy67zm' failed
>the problem is not the private IP in the contact, as opensips
>properly saved the source IP (of the REGISTER) too -> see the
>Received field. So the Received field will be used over the Contact
>for sending the requests to UAC.
>Now, what probably goes wrong in your case is that when using
>TLS/TCP (connection oriented protos), after the REGISTER, the
>connection is dropped and opensips cannot open later a TCP
>connection behind a NAT :(....By default opensips closes the
>inactive TCP connections.
After running a socket listener on on the OpenSIPS host:

    $ socat TCP4-LISTEN:2310,bind=,reuseaddr -
    SUBSCRIBE sip:MyLogin-OSIPS at;transport=tls;line=2acy67zm SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=G4z9hb82dK8.f144.0
    To: <sip:MyLogin-OSIPS at name.host.tld>;tag=ty6sjh9iz9
    From: <sip:MyLogin-OSIPS at name.host.tld>;tag=6c9d4319c74d756e6b696-baa1
    CSeq: 11 SUBSCRIBE
    Call-ID: b1c04118-8826 at
    Content-Length: 0
    User-Agent: OpenSIPS (1.6.1-tls)
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Event: dialog;sla
    Contact: <sip:presence at name.host.tld>
    Expires: 610

I'm trying to implement presence by using the presence,
presence_xml, pua, and pua_bla modules.

So it seems that one of these modules (see event dialog;sla) is
getting the contact from the locations table (in AAA on our server)
and ignoring the Received header.

OpenSIPS replies to messages from UACs such as INVITE and CANCEL
properly, and opens connections to the IP in Received. This problem
is limited to the SUBSCRIBES sent from one of the presence modules.

...but I'm still not sure how to fix the problem. Any ideas?


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