[OpenSIPS-Users] cdrtool always returning postpaid

Nguyen Quang Tri kihote.am at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 11:32:26 CET 2010

Hello , i have prolem like this.

This is my log file

" call-control[18241]: Call id 
OTZmMTRlZTlkY2MyNjRhOThhMDQwNjcwYjg5MGU0Nzk. of 1004 at xxxxx to 
sip:18005558355 at xxxxxx:5065 is postpaid not limited"

Here ,This is my tables

mysql> select * from prepaid;
| id | reseller_id | account                 | balance  | 
change_date         | active_sessions | session_counter | max_sessions |
|  2 |           0 | 1004 at xxxxxxx       | 100.0000 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 
|                 |               1 |            1 |

mysql> select * from billing_customers;
| id | reseller_id | gateway | domain             | subscriber | 
profile_name1 | profile_name1_alt | profile_name2 | profile_name2_alt | 
timezone       |
|  3 |           0 |         | xxxxxxxx                         
|            | carina        |                   |               
|                   | Asia/HoChiMinh |

select * from billing_profiles;
| id | reseller_id | name   | rate_name1 | hour1 | rate_name2 | hour2 | 
rate_name3 | hour3 | rate_name4 | hour4 |
|  3 |           0       | carina | carina     |    18 |            
|     0 |            |     0 |            |     0 |

select * from billing_rates ;

| id | reseller_id | name   | destination | application | connectCost | 
durationRate | connectCostIn | durationRateIn |
|  5    |           0     | carina | 1           | audio       | 
0           | 150          |               | 150            |

select * from destinations;
| id | reseller_id | gateway | domain             | subscriber | dest_id 
| dest_name | increment | min_duration | max_duration | max_price |
|  2 |           0          |         | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |            | 
1       | USA       |         0 |            0 |            0 |           |

I have changed E164 class to E164_US in file global .inc

Pls help me fix it.Thank you.

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