[OpenSIPS-Users] Need help on CDRTool rating engine cant't not start

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Sat Jan 9 20:19:49 CET 2010

There is very little information in your post to figure out why the  
software is not working on your computer.

If I sum up all the complaints I have seen in the last 12 months  
related to python and php dependencies I would say that anyone running  
CentOS is likely to run into some kind of trouble that spawns threads  
on multiple mailing lists.

There is a better chance to obtain support for this software if you  
run some Linux Debian or Ubuntu version on which the software is being  
actively developed and tested.



  Hello ,
I have use Centos 5.2 ,PHP 5.2.12 .CDRTool 7.0 ,I have installed

when i type /etc/init.d/cdrtool start i have get log

Jan  9 19:48:25  cdrtool[1035]: Starting CDRTool Rating Engine...
Jan  9 19:48:25  cdrtool[1035]: Cached 12291 total, 12291 default, 0
gateway, 0 domain, 0 subscriber destinations
Jan  9 19:48:25  cdrtool[1035]: Updated cache for 0 SIP destinations
Jan  9 19:48:27 cdrtool[1035]: Memory usage: 5.30MB, memory limit: 128MB
Jan  9 19:48:27 cdrtool[1035]: Loaded 1 profiles into memory
Jan  9 19:48:27  cdrtool[1035]: Loaded 0 ratesHistory into memory
Jan  9 19:48:27  cdrtool[1035]: Loaded 0 holidays into memory
Jan  9 19:48:27  cdrtool[1035]: Loaded 1 enumTlds into memory
Jan  9 19:48:27 5 cdrtool[1035]: Memory usage: 5.30MB, memory limit:  
Jan  9 19:48:27  cdrtool[1035]: Rating Engine started sucesfully,  
going to

but can not start rating engine

i have try run


same like that.
Pls help me fix it
Thank you.
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