[OpenSIPS-Users] [OpenSIPS-Devel] New MediaProxy release 2.4.0 with support for ICE negotiation

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Wed Feb 24 04:37:27 CET 2010

Adrian Georgescu writes:

 > mediaproxy (2.4.0) unstable; urgency=low
 >    * Added ICE negotiation capability and assert itself as a TURN relay
 >      candidate in the SDP, for a complete description and usage  
 > information
 >      see http://mediaproxy-ng.org/wiki/ICE
 >    * Fix race in which an already called event tried to be cancelled
 >    * Prevent other acounting backends to be affected by a failure in  
 > one of
 >      them


the list does not include anything about python-application
1.2.2 compatibility.  does it work with that version or still require
old version?

-- juha

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