[OpenSIPS-Users] Bulding OpenSIPS v1.6.1-notls on 64 bit machine

Andrew Pogrebennyk andrew.pogrebennyk at portaone.com
Tue Feb 2 18:44:29 CET 2010

On 02.02.2010 16:10, Steven C. Blair wrote:
>   I'm trying to build a fresh copy of OpenSIPS v1.6.1-notls on a 64 bit RH system and experiencing some path issues when running opensipsdbctl create. It seems some scripts exist in /usr/local/lib64/opensips/ and some in /usr/local/src/apps/opensips-1.6.1-notls/scripts/. Is there a suggested way to resolve this different so the database build script will work?

You should provide the exact console output that shows what happens. 
Personally I and many people here are using 1.6.1 on 64 bit machines.

Andrew Pogrebennyk

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