[OpenSIPS-Users] Media Proxy: Strange behaviour...

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Mon Sep 28 11:38:03 CEST 2009

> Now... to resolve "my problem", the opensips server need to modify  
> not only the SDP connection information (c=), but also the
> SDP owner information (o=). In this way the Media Proxy won't send  
> the RTP packet to the not assigned IP Address
> (that was my problem).
> Is this correct?

No. Mediaproxy doesn't care about or use the origin line. Modifying it  
will have no effect.

In the end I do not understand what are you trying to fix? The  
standard mediaproxy operating mode?
Why is a packet forwarded to the potential endpoint address (only when  
it's a public IP) bother you?
The purpose is to avoid a deadlock when multiple relays are chained.


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