[OpenSIPS-Users] Dynamic Routing Module

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Mon Oct 19 19:42:36 CEST 2009

Hi Indiver,

what exactly is not working?

Can you post the output logs (during INVITE) with debug=6 ? Post also 
the incoming INVITE request.


Indiver wrote:
> Hi Every body,
> I want to implement prefix based dynamic routing. I followed the following
> procedure.
> step 1: Enetered gateways, gateway lists, rules,groups in opensips-cp as
> follows
> dr_gateways table:
> +------+------+----------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------+
> | gwid | type | address        | strip | pri_prefix | attrs | description |
> +------+------+----------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------+
> |    1 |    0 |  |     0 | 1          | NULL  | Gateway 1   |
> dr_groups table:
> id | username | domain       | groupid | description     |
> +----+----------+--------------+---------+-----------------+
> |  1 | 1004     | | 0       | opensips server | 
> dr_gw_lists
>  id | gwlist | description    |
> +----+--------+----------------+
> |  1 | 1      | Gateway List 1 | 
> dr_gw_rules
>  ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist |
> description |
> +--------+---------+--------+---------+----------+---------+--------+-------------+
> |      1 | 0       | 1      |         |        1 |       4 | 1      | Rule 1     
> | 
> step 2: My opensips.cfg file is as follows
> loadmodule "drouting.so"
> # ----- Dynamic Routing params -----
> modparam("drouting",
> "db_url","mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips")
> route[4] {
>     # routing to the public network
>     if(!do_routing()){
>         sl_send_reply("404","PSTN Routing not found");
>         exit;
>       }
>     route(1);
>     exit;
> But still prefix based drouting is not working. Can any one suggest the 
> changes to be made?

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