[OpenSIPS-Users] 404 automatic failover

Pacho Baratta [fabbricadigitale] P.Baratta at fabbricadigitale.it
Mon Oct 12 16:29:40 CEST 2009

1.     2009-10-12 16:12:43 CEST
Hi all, i need some help with an issue. i'm quite a newbie, so be patien, please. i need to redirect all calss to a different gateway when the 1st returns a sip404.
my route is like this: if (is_method("INVITE")) {
if(uri=~"^sip:@") {
if (tcheckstatus("404")) { sethostport("");
but this doesn't seem to work.
can yoi suggest me the right way to do it?
thanks, Pacho

fabbricadigitale srl
Pacho Baratta | Senior Systems Engineer
Tecnhology Engineering
Via A.Volta, 3 - 26041 - Casalmaggiore - CR
Phone +39 0375 284600
Fax +39 02 57760002
mailto:p.baratta at fabbricadigitale.it

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