[OpenSIPS-Users] acc with MySQL

Brad Bendy brad.bendy at benganetworks.com
Mon Oct 5 19:55:42 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I noticed this morning that it appears when the acc transaction hits 
MySQL it uses the NOW() function for the date/time fields, BUT that 
function is the true timestamp when it get committed to the database, I 
noticed this when running some alter tables this morning and the table 
was locked and all of sudden we had a long list a 60+ minute calls, all 
the BYE's were at the same timestamp.

In the mean time I have added another field to the acc table with the 
timestamp (that we pull from opensips).

Anyone have any insight on this? I can see why MySQL is doing what's 
it's doing, but for billing purposes like this it's not what I think is 
best, and several race conditions could occur. I would think using 
timestamps in opensips for the SQL statements would be a better choice 
after seeing this, but maybe that is not the case.

Just thinking out loud here and wondering what everyone else thinks as 
well on this subject.


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