[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool rating engine callcontrole prepaid Need advice

Ilya Pichugin i.pichugin at ptl.ru
Mon Nov 30 11:11:44 CET 2009

Hi All!

I've installed subject applications. I'm trying to test prepaid calls
but it's no successful

Why does rating engine always return 'postpaid not limited'?

mysql> select * from prepaid;
| id | reseller_id | account                 | balance  | change_date         | active_sessions | session_counter |
|  1 |           0 | 3097998 at a.x.y           | -32.6667 | 2009-11-27 18:01:43 | null            |               0 |

I tried to force debit balance (telnet ip 9024), but call_control() on
each INVITE returnes '+1' and in syslog I see 'postpaid not limited'

And if I call MaxSessionTime, rating engine returne 'none'

Nov 30 12:07:25 cdrtool call-control[2230]: Call id MDRjZmQ2ZGI5MDFlYzJiMmIyNDgwNjI5Y2FmMTk2YTc. of 3097998 at a.x.y to sip:3364000 at a.x.y is postpaid not limited

I have enabled quota-based accounts but it does not work ;-(

mysql> select id,datasource,account,domain,quota,blocked,calls,duration,cost,traffic,change_date from quota_usage;
| id | datasource      | account                 | domain          | quota | blocked | calls | duration | cost     | traffic | change_date         |
|  4 | opensips_radius | 3097998 at a.x.y           | a.x.y           |    10 | 1       |    23 |       91 | 658.3667 | 0       | 2009-11-30 12:49:53 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Where is my mistake?

I hope for your help


Ilya Pichugin

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